Ultra Hop Plant
Ultra Hop Plant
Bare Root (Pre-Order)
Key Flavours
Key Flavours
Variety Information
Variety Information
- Origin: United States
- Primary Use: Aroma
- Height: Tall
- Group:None
- Also Known As: 8305-17
- Flavour Description: mild, spicy and floral bouquet
- Beer Style Guide: Oktoberfest, Blonde Ale, Harvest Ale, Lager, Pilsner, Pale Ale, American Lager, Bock
Growing Information
Growing Information
- Season Maturity: Late Season
- Ease of Harvest: Difficult
- Typical Yield: 2017-2241 kg/hectare
- Wilt Sensitivity: Tolerant
- Powdery Mildew Resistance: Unknown
- Downy Mildew Resistance: Resistant
- Hop Mosaic Virus Sensitivity: Unknown
Bare root hop plants are available from late November until early April. Dates will vary depending on the weather and ground conditions however, we hope to start lifting from the field by November 1st.
The best time to transplant hop plants lies during this period whilst the plant is dormant.
Plants in 2 Litre pots are available from May until September.
Free shipping on all UK orders over £30. If you are interested in placing an order for overseas, please enquire by clicking here.
Ultra hops have traditionally only been grown only in the United States and even then in somewhat limited qualities. They were developed in Oregon in 1983, released commercially in 1995 and are a triploid variety rich in humulene, giving them a mildly spicy aroma and flavour. This triplod is a half sister to Mt. Hood, Liberty and Crystal.
A combination of four parts Hallertau one part Saaz and one part an as unnamed varietal, Ultra is well suited to lagers, pilsners, wheats and bocks both for finishing and aroma. Ultra also features an almost identical oil profile to Hallertau Mittelfrüh.