Styrian Golding Hop Plant
Styrian Golding Hop Plant
Bare Root (Pre-Order)
Key Flavours
Key Flavours
Variety Information
Variety Information
- Origin: Slovenia
- Primary Use: Aroma
- Height: Tall
- Group:None
- Also Known As: Savinjski Golding, Savinja Golding
- Flavour Description: Resinous and earthy with hints of white pepper
- Beer Style Guide: English Ale, Oktoberfest, Belgian Ale, Pilsner, ESB, Barley Wine & Lager
Growing Information
Growing Information
- Season Maturity: Early Season
- Ease of Harvest: Medium
- Typical Yield: 1150 - 1500 kg/hectare
- Wilt Sensitivity: Unknown
- Powdery Mildew Resistance: Unknown
- Downy Mildew Resistance: Unknown
- Hop Mosaic Virus Sensitivity: Unknown
Bare root hop plants are available from late November until early April. Dates will vary depending on the weather and ground conditions however, we hope to start lifting from the field by November 1st.
The best time to transplant hop plants lies during this period whilst the plant is dormant.
Plants in 2 Litre pots are available from May until September.
Free shipping on all UK orders over £30. If you are interested in placing an order for overseas, please enquire by clicking here.
Styrian Golding
Styrian Golding Hops, also called Savinja Golding, is a traditional hops grown primarily in Slovenia, and also Austria; It is not of the Golding heritage, instead Styrian Golding is a form of Fuggle Hops and carries much of its attributes. This variety was the major hops crop for Styria (Austrian state bordering Slovenia) in the 1930's as powdery mildew made its impact on other varieties from the area. Styrian Golding is an aroma variety that has a low alpha acid content of 4.5%-6.0%. This well established traditional variety offers a delicate bitterness with a distinctive flavour and aroma.
The oils show moderate myrcene and caryophyllene levels. The humulene oil registers on the high side at 34.0%-38.0%, and helps provide for some of the spicy character of Styrian Golding. Farnesene oil also makes its mark, its low although present, and help to make this variety ideal for finishing additions.
Styrian Golding Hops is versatile and is used throughout the world. It is an early yielding plant ranging from 1150-1500 lbs/acre which is good for a natural variety from the region. The medium compact cones are harvested early in the season, and Styrian Golding comes equipped with natural resistance to downy mildew, which helped to shape its success in the last century.